Sunday, April 8, 2012

Dueling Races...Part 2

Hello there! My run happened on 3.31 as well but it was about 12 hours later than Dru’s so hopefully I can be forgiven for blogging about it one week later as well!

The Firefly 5K took place in Plano, TX last week.  The coolest part about this run was that it happened at night! Now, I’m not a big night runner as I usually prefer to get my workouts done in the morning or right after I get home from work. I thought the novelty of running in the dark would inspire me to do better. And I never pass up an opportunity to wear glow necklaces and/or bracelets!

The run ended up being a lot of fun except for a few hiccups:
  1. The number of entrants nearly doubled from the previous year (4,000 to 7,000). Usually this would be cool but because it was dark I almost ran into a ton of kids who would be sprinting ahead of me and then basically come to a dead halt.
  2. There was no beer afterwards! In fact, there was barely any food at all! I inhaled two granola bars, slammed two bottles of water and then wondered around, looking like a lost child, in search of beer. Don't worry, I found some at a nearby bar.
I felt strong running, which was encouraging. I actually thought I would have my fastest 5K time ever. This was my fourth 5K so I was excited for a personal record. Come to find out, I ran it EXACTLY the same pace as my last two 5Ks. To say I was disappointment is a minor understatement.  I’m really trying to get my pace faster and thought I had it this time. I may need to invest in a fancy watch like Dru so I can easily tell my pace. I hate running with my iPhone even though I know RunKeeper is a great app.

All in all it was a cool run and I’m glad I did it. If nothing else, I liked wearing the neon running gear and all of my glow-in-the-dark accents!!
The Girl on Fire!!

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