Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mojo M.I.A.

So, for about the last 2-3 weeks, I have been freaking out every time I run because all of a sudden it's a huge struggle for me just to be able to run 2-3 miles where I was fairly comfortably running 4. My goals at this point in the year, although I'm not really into a set training schedule, were to be running 4 miles by the end of March (along with at least 2 other 3 mile runs each week), 5 in April, 5.5-6.0 in May and then really start adding distance once a week when it's time to get serious about 13.1.

So, you can see how this set back has really taken me by surprise. I, in typical OCD fashion, have scoured the internet, asked other runners I know, solicited help on (which is an awesome "FREE" website for tracking calories in vs. calories out if you ever need such a site), etc, etc. People I regularly talk to are probably really tired of hearing me complain about this issue. In the end, I have decided it comes down to 1. the change in weather from running in cold, non-humid conditions to typical Missouri "skip the Spring, head right to Summer" temps and humidity in the late afternoon and 2. Lack of rest - as in sleep and not taking a complete day off from working out for over 2 weeks and 3. A few serious weeks of strength training that left me sore all over for days at a time.

If these are correct assumptions, what's a girl to do? So, I took Friday off and relaxed - NO working out at all (and a couple of glasses of wine after dinner - for good measure). I would like to say I did in fact sleep well too, but no bueno there. However, I did run this morning when it was cooler and 3ish miles felt good, easy almost - so I'm ready to go for 4 this week and be back on my own personal track. AND...get my running mojo back.

Also, as extra incentive, (and because there is never a bad reason to buy "jewelery - whether just for vanity or for actual functionality) I purchased my very first Garmin watch to hopefully motivate me to push past my mental and physical anguish and finish longer distance runs. I'm super excited about this new addition to my collection of actual runner's equipment - makes me feel legit. Too legit to quit!

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