Saturday, May 26, 2012

Let the Training Begin!

This week I officially began my training for the ½ marathon. I know I’ve written about running 3 miles here, or doing a 5K there, but this week was the official start! Which simply means that now I have a calendar where I’ve filled in days with the miles I need to run to work up to 13.1. Super official!

Right now I’m focusing my training on getting up to 9 miles because I am going to run the Too Hot to Handle 15K. In July. In Texas. Yes, I am crazy. If anyone else is running the THTH and spies me passed out on the side of the road, please make sure I’m breathing. And that my running shorts aren’t hiked up on my legs in an unattractive way.

Back to the training! This week called for two 2-mile runs during the week and a 3-mile run on Saturday morning. I’m proud to say that I did all of the runs! Except I’m not sure I can count my Saturday morning run…..

It started off well. I decided to bring my running buddy, AKA my dog Benni. It seems that dogs can get distracted very easily (SQUIRREL!) and don’t realize that (BIRD!) if we start running (SOMETHING PEED HERE!) then the goal is to keep running the entire time (DEAD SQUIRREL!). Needless to say, it didn’t make for a very easy run. And, if you’re my dog and out of shape, then you decide you’re done with running after about 2.5 miles and lay down in the shade. Which was hilarious to the 30 bicyclists riding by me this morning. (Speaking of biking, I’m not one to want to ride a bike for miles and miles but when two rode by me and one said “want to just coast down this hill” as I was still finding the energy to make it up the hill, I wished I’d had a bike.)

Benni and I made it back home after a quick detour for her to splash around and drink from my neighborhood’s fountains. I’m disappointed I didn’t get to run the entire 3 miles but I think we got close. Luckily my calendar says I’ve got to get up and do it all again in just a couple days!

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