Monday, August 6, 2012

Time to Train - Again!

I’m ashamed to say it’s been three weeks since my last run and almost two months since my last blog post. My running/blogging partner Dru has been doing an amazing job lately at both, making me look like a giant slacker in the process! I’m so proud of her for continuing to run, especially through the heat and humidity we are all experiencing. I’m struggling to get back into my running shoes, so I’m looking to her for inspiration!  Here’s quick recap of the last two months:

I trained for and ran my fist 15K!  For those of you counting, that’s 9.3 miles. I thought it was just 9 miles and am so glad my mom told me about those extra .3 miles. If I hadn’t known I would have been pretty ticked off when I crossed mile 9 with no finish line!  Training for the 15K wasn’t that much fun, but I’m proud that I did it.  What’s the easiest way to stick to your training schedule? Tell every single person you see that you have to run the next day. Once you tell everyone, you sort of feel like you have to follow through. Or at least I did. Running the 15K was a lot of fun, surprisingly! The weather in Texas cooperated and wasn’t blazing hot. There were plenty of water/Gatorade stops along the way. The only bad part was that I dropped my phone and cracked the screen. Clearly I need to buy one of those little iPod shuffles to clip onto my shirt for the half. After the run, I rewarded myself with a super adorable, gold-striped phone case, so at least my phone looks good on the outside!

After the 15K I decided to take a 2-week break from running.  I’d been training for 2 months, so that is 2 full months of not sleeping in on the weekend.  I am a girl who loves her sleep. I could easily sleep 9 hours a night if my dog and work schedule allowed for it.  Sadly, neither does very frequently. So, I definitely appreciated having a few weekend mornings to devote to sleep.

Our half is just 11 weeks away (ok, just typing that scares me!!) so I’ve got to get my shoes out of the closet, set my alarm clock and start running again. I’m kind of excited about it...I actually find myself thinking about running a lot. Now I just need to do it!

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