Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lessons Learned: Training Weeks 1 & 2

I started off the first week of training well. I had two shorter runs that were great but then we all know how disastrously the last run I blogged about went.  Since that last run I haven’t stepped a foot into my sneakers! I’ve been traveling for work, preparing for vacation and am just plain exhausted! It’s a horrible excuse – “I’m too tired to exercise” – because as so many of us know, once you get out there and just start doing something, you find the energy you thought you were lacking.  But, I’m almost halfway through Training Week 3 and don’t have any miles to show for it.  Disappointing?  Yes!  But, vacation starts in two days and luckily I’ll be with my mom and sister, who are both great at running with me or encouraging me to run.  I’m hoping I’ll get some good workouts in each day, in between beach time and sleeping!

Here are some lessons I learned these past two weeks:
Lesson 1: The Olympics are a great motivator! Never in my life have I watched the track & field events with such interest.  Those runners are amazing!  Not only the sprinters, who seem to get all of the attention, but the distance runners.  It kept me motivated to get outside and run.

Lesson 2: Watching the Olympics does not make me a better runner.  I’d be so excited to run while watching the Olympics and then I’d get on the treadmill or out on the road and realize I am not an Olympic athlete!  Those people train hard and I am sure that their training does not include sitting on the couch, night after night, watching other people running, swimming, diving, or playing beach volleyball.  If only fitness worked through osmosis.

My new role model!!

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