Friday, October 5, 2012

An Open Letter to My Shins

Dear Shins,
We’ve been together for quite a while now.  What has it been, 31 years? Yeah, that sounds right to me, too. I would think that our long relationship would afford me some more respect from you. It seems you do not feel the same way.

When we started training for this half-marathon, I thought we were doing it as a team. But, it soon became apparent that only one of us was in to win it. After 9 months of training your actions have become intolerable. I never know what to expect from you! This past Sunday I was able to easily run 6 miles. This morning, I could barely get through 1 ½ miles before you forced me to stop. As tears welled up in my eyes in the middle of the gym, I realized it was time for a confrontation.

So, here it is. I’m just a girl, standing in front of her shins, asking them to love her.

If I could, I would break up with you. But, that’s physically impossible. Even if it were possible I’d probably just meet another pair of shins, think they seemed cool and start running with them. So, I’ll stick with you but I’m going to need you to be a bit more supportive. 

I’ll continue to ice and stretch you. I’ll probably even break down this weekend and buy those hideous compression sleeves. With just 15 days until this run, I have to ask, will you be there for me?


So ugly. (Not my leg.)

1 comment:

  1. My fiancee is a competitive runner/cyclist who swears by these things. Legit equipment is SUPER CUTE.
