Sunday, October 14, 2012


Whoa, whoa, whoa....I know what you're thinking.  And the truth is I am NOT done running or even done training for my first 1/2 marathon, but mentally and pretty much physically I'm exhausted.  So, I am DONE thinking and worrying about it all.  Some might say that I should be more worried/excited since I am down to the wire and by this time next week, it will be "done" but for now, I'm just living in between reality and the dream of finishing this 13.1 miles alive.  The only things standing between me and it are a few short runs, tons of carbs and water, the trek to StL, AND (insert trumpeting music here) the race!

So, let me explain to you three things:  1. Why I'm mentally exhausted.  2. Why I'm physically exhausted and 3. Why I have to suck it up and get over it.

1.  If you know me, then you know that I stress and worry about everything.  I obsesses and contemplate and obsess some more over every detail of things.  I have more than likely been driving my running friends and my husband completely nutso over the last few months with questions and by constantly questioning and second guessing myself and my ability.  If you don't know me, well, for the last few months consider yourself lucky.  Otherwise, after this race, you should know me...I'm tons of fun (you know, if you enjoy the boring, old, married gals that are homebodies and afraid to leave the house with their children kind of fun)!  But this worrying is draining me.  I'm over it.  I decided that yesterday after my run with Megan - which I ran only about 3 out of the 5 miles we completed - I can run 11.5 miles, I can/will finish this race irregardless of how I've felt the last few days.

2. So, about the last few days.  My body feels like it's just giving out on me.  I'm so tired and running feels like so much effort and my back is hurting and I'm weak get my picture.  I believe I have been training for too long (that and I had a stomach bug accompanied by aches and chills last week that kicked by booty).  Not that I have way overdone it with miles by any means.  It's just that I actually began a training schedule 5+ months ago.  Lesson learned, Higdon was right.  You only really need 10 or so weeks of training.  I'll remember that the next time...if there is a next time for this.

3.  Well, if it's not obvious why I need to suck it up and go on about my business this week, then I'll restate it.  I have LESS than ONE week to do this, ready or not.  So, I will.  I'm excited to be a part of it and have the experience.  I'm excited to see my friend Erin and I'm excited to actually be DONE.  So, I will focus on those things and keep remembering that I can and will do this!

Also I would like to add a final training word from AJ (which I should mention he asked me to post late last week...which also makes me currently unreliable and a procrastinator).

"Just  209 hours until the start of the race and hopefully in 211 hours and 30 minutes from now, Team 2 ½ women will be crossing the finish line. All the hours and miles of running are about to pay off as we hit the streets of St. Louis. Family & Friends will be able to track us via cell phones as we go from mile marker to mile marker and EVERYONE will know if I’ve taken a Porta Potty break at Mile 8…lol"

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