Friday, July 27, 2012

As promised.

This morning, at about 5:30ish, around 3 miles into my run, a super supportive and accomplished runner, that also happens to be the Uncle of my fellow blogger says, "Hey, I haven't read any new blog posts lately."  After an explanation of how I've been blogging less and running more, I realized I probably needed to update on my progress  So, I promised if I made it to 7 miles this morning (my longest distance so far), that I would make a post.  That being said...this one's for you Ken.

I made it to 7 miles this morning.  I wanted to feel ecstatic about it after I was done, but I felt tired and sweaty.  However, 6 miles has been my mental block for the last 6-8 weeks.  I haven't made it past that and I haven't even felt like trying.  But seeing as the 1/2 is only 11 weeks away, I thought I might ought to motivate myself to do more.

But, this morning's run was far from normal, aside from the distance.  The following events occurred in the 75 minutes that I was running:

1. Was barked at, snarled at, and almost attacked by a rottweiler looking dog around mile 1.5 as "Killing Me Softly" played on my ipod.
2. Saw a deer (that at first glance looked like a creepy shadow in the woods - *still paranoid and scared after the dog incident*) around mile 2.5.
3. Ran past Wal-Mart sliding doors to steal a little bit of air conditioning around mile 3.  Okay, okay, this actually is not that uncommon of an occurrence on our morning runs.
4. Frolicked through the sprinklers at the Town & Country Bank branch to cool off around mile 3.5.  Confession:  this happens as much as possible - I LOVE (actually, all of my female running buddies LOVE) the T&C Bank sprinklers.  I would like to urge The Bank of Salem and US Bank to install sprinklers as well, and if you're ever driving through town early in the morning and happen upon our little sprinkler ritual, pay no attention to random females dancing around said sprinklers.
5. "Don't Stop Believing" started playing around mile 4.1 which completely renewed my motivation.  Because in reality, who wants to disappoint Journey.
6. Chased down a trash man around mile 5.  Well, that was actually only Doug, but it was confusing and definitely out of the norm.
7. "Stronger.  What doesn't kill you..." came on around mile 5.5 as I was finally able to relax every time I heard a dog bark and joke about incident #1.
8. Almost run over by a cyclist (in SALEM!) around mile 6.5 even though I believe he was yelling, "coming through!" over and over as he approached.  Damn ear buds and motivational music - they are a hazard.
9. My watch beeped 7.0 miles, my feet immediately stopped and I was glad to be done. 

So, all in all a pretty eventful morning - and that was just before the sun came up.  Not sure I'll run tomorrow, but if I do, it will be a brief and relaxing run, hopefully.

Oh, and as I type this my husband (who never needs/wants my attention during TV time) suddenly has 1,000 things to ask me about so here's my shout out to him and his pizza! :) 

Until next time

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