Saturday, June 30, 2012

Nothing New to Report

The title really says it all, but I put, "Write a Blog Post" on my to-do list this weekend and almost everything else was checked off the list so it's this or fold and put away the laundry and I pick this.

Recently, I have decided to do some reflecting on my reasons for running as I have been feeling so-so about running in general.  But, I say it's only been so-so because I could think of no new really exciting milestones that have happened and my distance progress is somewhat stagnant.  However, this morning, as I was on a 3.5 miler (that started out with the intent of being a 5-6 miler) my reflections came full circle and I realized that I don't need to set the world on fire every time I get out there (and besides that, Salem is under a burn ban because of the drought so it would be dangerous to set anything on fire). As I reached 3.5 miles, I felt tired and a bit bored running, so I walked.  This typically would have been a major upset to me, but walking felt great.  It was hot.  I ran 6.25 miles the day before.  I needed to walk.  The world did not end. 

So, here are my my running reflections on the things (not necessarily running related) that I have accomplished in the past month or so of my running "funk" and/or just reasons in general for running.

1. I am NOT good at organized sports or any physical activity that requires a great deal of attention, practice, or equipment.  Never have been.  Running is easy - it's mostly free - only attention needed is for watching for cars at intersections.  I can do that! 

2. The competition in the sport of running is as much or as little as you want it to be.  I am not a fast runner and no matter, I enjoy just finishing a run regardless of how far or fast I go.  The end is the best part.

3. Running is a social event and I like to talk.  In fact, I love running and chatting (as long as I can catch my breath and I am not running up a hill).  I have made new friends, formed bonds, and look forward to seeing my running buddies almost daily. 

4. Running offers a good time to just "be" and also be away from the chaos that can sometimes take over my life with work, two small children, and a household to run.  So, when I don't feel like talking, I can just breathe and think.

5. Running burns a TON of calories.  I can eat those calories back and not gain weight.  The more I run, the more I can eat...this might be my favorite reason for running. 

6.  I feel like Super Woman when I power up East Salem Hill and then run in the middle of the road all the way down 4th Street at 5am.  If you've lived in Salem, you know where I'm talking about.  It looks impossibly daunting as you approach it and then once you're at the top, it feels kick ass!  On a good day, I have even been known to throw my arms out (airplane style) and spin around in the middle of the intersection - I have witnesses.

7. I am an addict.  There, I said it.  I may complain about how hard a particular run is or how I feel not quite right during a run, but at the end of the day...I feel better when I get my tush out of bed early and get in a run.  If I don't, I miss it.  I crave the extra energy (and the extra food) that I have all day when I make the effort.  I need to run!

So, as I begin to bump up my weekly mileage from averaging around 15-16 miles/week to 20 or more/week, I shall try to remember all of these things and keep on keeping on!


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