Friday, September 21, 2012

30 Days to 13.1 Miles

I awoke this morning at the ungodly hour of 4:30 a.m. with the panicked realization that today was September 21. If today is your birthday, then by all means you should be excited.  But, this date fills me with dread as it is officially one month until our half-marathon.

Where in the heck did this year go?!  When Dru and I wrote our first blog posts on January 5, I can still remember the fear I felt thinking about running 13.1 miles. Sadly, 8 months later I am still filled with fear!  This is for a variety of reasons.  Let me share them with you.

  1. The farthest I have run in the past month is 6 miles. That is not even half of a half.
  2. The farthest I have run in my entire 8 months of training is 9.3 miles. That is not even double digits in miles.
  3. Last week when I ran my shin pain was so bad that I limped home…after only being able to run a mile. I actually shed tears. People stared. Ok, just one guy. Clearly he is a jerk.
  4. Yes, I got new shoes.  But, now I’m so nervous about messing my shins up and not being able to run the ½ in St. Louis that I’m scared to do any training runs.

Clearly fear has taken over – both mentally and physically. Instead of getting up and running this morning, which a good runner would have done, I laid in bed and tried to let the sweet sounds of my dog snoring beside me soothe me back to sleep. 

It did not work. 
I am officially freaking out.

No sleep problems here.

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