Monday, September 10, 2012

This is great...I'll tell you why!

I am really getting into this "guest blogging" bit.  Firstly, because it gets me off the hook from actually writing my own thoughts about running, which, let's be honest....are getting pretty blah.  I  have come to the conclusion that I shouldn't write any more posts until I have something REALLY exciting to talk about.  Lastly, I love it because it's so interesting to read other people's thoughts on running and how it relates to them and you and life and so on.  But that notion leads me to believe we should have thousands of followers by now.  Sadly, we do not.  But, it's not because of our lack of wittiness or our failure to be awesome.  I think it's the actual running part that turns people off.  Touche non-readers....I was turned off from running for about 30 1/2 years of my life.  I get it.

Anywho, that being said.  I would like to introduce our newest guest blogger, Carol Walter.   I give Carol 1/2 credit for me signing up for the 1/2.  (I would like to assign credit to the other person who convinced me to do the 1/2, but I will do so when he guest blogs too...ahem, @Ken).  Back to the story.  On one of our short Saturday morning Salem Running Club excursions last winter, Carol was coming off of, what I believe was an extending running high, from just completing her first 1/2, supporting St. Jude's in Memphis, TN.  She and her family have been loyal supporters of this race and their cause for several years.  I digress, but I say it was an extended high, because several weeks later, she was still so excited she convinced me to kind of/sort of/almost think I could run 13.1 miles too by saying, "if I can do it, you can do it."  Yes, I am that easily convinced of things at times.  I'm actually surprised more people don't take advantage of my naivety, but Carol did, unknowingly, and I think I might be grateful (eventually) if I live through this adventure.

So, in the words of Carol...

As the “slow, old running partner” with Dru, I want to add my thoughts… you can stop me – HA! 

First let me say that Dru is awesome.  She is an inspiration and keeps me going and laughing most mornings at 5 am.  Since her half marathon is in October, and mine is in December, she is ahead of me in the “long runs” so the group often runs with me and then past my house to drop me off while they run further.  I’d say “off into the sunset” but since the sun isn’t even up yet, that won’t work.

Dru started running with me when I was training for my second ½ last March.  When I asked if anyone wanted to start run at 5am there was only one crazy person – DRU- who said yes.  I should have known then she was nuts! (Like the rest of us). PS – in light of the other “guest bloggers” I already have a 13.1 sticker on my car….and my husband and I always laugh how we run 5 miles then circle the Wal-Mart parking lot to find a close spot. 

Dru and I talk about important things like shoes (we both share the passion) and kids, and family and bathroom needs.  You KNOW bathroom needs always come up in running.  We now speak in “code”.

Then there was the morning I heard her scream from behind me and thought sure someone had abducted her.  It was the big dog – see previous blog posts.  Just know that she can yell really loud in a scary low voice that scares very large dogs and probably most the people sleeping in their beds in the surrounding houses.

I recently have re-injured an old stress fracture.  It is so nice to have running buddies who miss you when you’re sleeping in.  J  No, really the support is wonderful and I missed them too.

Running is a disease and it is great when you find others who share that disease with you.  Thanks Dru for being the best running buddy ever!!

Here’s to your HALF!  You still have to run with me every morning; the only difference will be that sticker on the back of your car in my driveway at 5 am.

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