Saturday, September 8, 2012

Let's Try This Again

A 6-mile run was on the training schedule for this morning so I set out to run the same route that I attempted, with disastrous results, a couple weeks ago. Let’s see how the runs compared!

Timing: I learned my lesson last time and set my alarm to run in the morning. What was really nice about this was I didn’t have to get up until 8 a.m. because a cold front blew into Dallas last night!  So, I was able to sleep in a bit (which I love!) and still get up and get in a run. Better Run: TODAY!

Training: While I haven’t done any other fitness activities in the past two weeks besides run, I can tell my endurance is a bit higher. And, I’m going to start working with a trainer at my gym on Monday.  We had our assessment meeting last week and he told me to eat more carbs. The next day I ate two chocolate croissants and a banana nut muffin. So far I am really enjoying working with a trainer!  Better Run: TODAY!

Desire: I was definitely driven to run farther and faster today, but the one factor that hurt my desire to run was the weather. As I said, a cold front blew in last night at approximately 9:30 p.m.  (we were all very excited about this and counting down the minutes!). The temps were gorgeous but the wind was very blustery!  For about 2/3 of my run today I felt like I was running in a wind tunnel….which is very hard! My pace was slow, I felt like I was running through water, and it simply took more work to get through each half mile.  I found myself missing the heat that I’ve grown used to running in…go ahead, call me crazy.  Better Run: TIE. I like the cooler temps, but that wind kicked my butt and made it hard to stay focused.

Other thoughts on today’s run vs. the last run:
-I didn’t see a lizard but I did see a group of men playing cricket. I found this very charming.
-During one of my short walk breaks (after battling a particularly brutal burst of wind), a girl ran past me wearing just a sports bra and tiny, spandex running shorts. She may have been a Runners World model, she made running look so effortless. Why do girls like that run by me when I’m walking?! 
-It’s time for new shoes. A few months ago I complained about horrible shin pain, and at the recommendation of some of my blog readers switched back to an old pair of shoes. That worked for a while. But, the pain is back which means a trip to the shoe store is in my near future. Maybe I’ll get some of those $59 Saucony’s AJ mentioned!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, AJ knows all about the best running shoes. Actually, the sad part is that he could probably run in sandals and do just as well. He's one of "those" people that can just push through whatever. Jealous!
