Thursday, January 12, 2012

Actually Three Girls, My Brother, and a Half. Anyone else?

After I decided to go ahead and sign up for a 1/2, I of course wanted to tell the world. As I was telling the world, I also recruited a couple more runners. So, I figure this is a good time to introduce everyone (er...the 3 people that follow this blog and my loving husband who insists I need to make more posts than I have been) to our other running partners.

So...also running with us will be my brother, AJ and a new friend of mine Natalie. From time to time, I plan to get their take on the training process and any other thoughts they may have and use them to contribute to the blog. Who knows...maybe a periodic guest blogger or two is in order?

The great part about this all is the new recruits are 1/2 newbies too. So, this makes it more exciting and also more intimidating because none of us know what to expect - well, other than the running 13.1 miles part. I'm pretty sure that's the one thing I can count on happening that day. And beer. There will be beer Erin!

It will also be nice to have people around Salem to run with, at least some of the time. I'm also hoping they provide some extra motivation and incentive to make longer runs during the hot and painstakingly humid Missouri summer.

So, lastly I will use this post to invite anyone else who is interested in running a really long way in October to join us. Whoever you are - St. Louis is going to rock that day and you can be a part of it too!

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