Thursday, January 5, 2012


A month ago Dru emailed and asked if I would want to do a 1/2 marathon with her sometime in 2012. I didn't tell her this at the time, but last year when I relayed the Dallas Rock 'n Roll 1/2 marathon (I ran the 7 mile leg) I decided I would never do a 1/2 marathon! I felt that running 7 miles was a pretty great accomplishment and didn't see why in the world I would ever want to run for 2 or more hours.  But, I love my friend Dru and am so proud of how hard she's worked to get into shape over the past year.  So, I said I'd probably consider it.
Here we are, one month later, officially registered for the St. Louis Rock 'n Roll 1/2 marathon on October 21, 2012.  EEEEKKK!!!!  What have I gotten myself into?!
Because I know training for this run is going to be a beeyotch, especially since Dru and I are in two different states and only see each other a couple times a year, I thought we'd use this super awesome blog to keep connected and stay focused. If nothing else, it provides a convenient location for us to complain to one another about the training.  If you are reading this, I apologize in advance for whining. But, maybe you'll find a good song to run to or at least find our journey to 13.1 miles a little bit funny.
Watch out St. Louis - these two girls are coming to get you!!


  1. Jeannie Moss...soon to be Borland :)January 5, 2012 at 1:08 PM

    GO GIRLSSS!!! YOU ROCK!!!! :)

  2. Woot! Couldnt be more proud of my pledge family!!!
