Sunday, January 8, 2012

I did it, I did it!

My goal this weekend was to run. The good (and possibly bad) thing about posting goals such as this onto a blog that you’ve shared with all of your friends and family is that the next time you talk to them they will ask you if you’ve met your goal. In my case, I had 5 people ask me if I ran on Saturday. I wanted to run on Saturday, but here’s a quick list of the things I did instead:

-cleaned out my fridge
-did my laundry
-went to the mall (didn’t buy anything!)
-went to Target (boughts lots of yummy fruits, veggies and a box of hair dye)
-dyed my hair
-watched Law & Order: SVU reruns (see my profile, I’m obsessed!)
-had a super fun dinner with my sister, niece & brother-in-law, and my boyfriend and his son
-watched more Law & Order: SVU (seriously: obsessed)

There were plenty of opportunities for me to get up and go for a quick run, but I just never made the time.

So, as soon as I woke up this morning I put on my running shoes, my running outfit, grabbed my adorable running buddy (picture below) and got out there and ran!  It was hard – the wind was blowing, I hadn’t had anything to eat yet (unlike my training partner Dru….thanks for that post, now I am craving biscuits & gravy!), and it’s always a challenge trying to keep up with my crazy 60-lb. running buddy.  But, I did it and it felt great! I came home and made a healthy breakfast of soy sausage, egg beaters with spinach, feta and cheddar and a banana. Now, I can relax the rest of the day knowing that I did something good for me.  That will make the Law & Order: SVU episodes I watch that much more enjoyable!

Running buddy, post-run


  1. So proud of you and now feeling guilty about my very carniverous, no veggies included breakfast.

  2. So proud of you and now feeling guilty about my very carniverous, no veggies included breakfast.

  3. Ugh...I double posted. Hmmm...maybe running is easier than blogging for me.
