Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Criss Cross It UP!

No, we are not suggesting you wear over-size workout clothes backwards. That would be awkward and people would stare. But, we are suggesting you mix up your workouts and cross train! Obviously we're here because we want to run a half-marathon. Does that mean we're spending all of our workout time running?  NOPE! Honestly, that would bore me to death. I'm not someone who can spend a lot of time running. It's just not that interesting. (Sorry running, hate to insult you.) But, I know I'm going to need to spend a lot of my time on the road or the treadmill. So, to keep my workouts interesting and to build some sweet muscles, I do a lot of different things.

I love yoga and am lucky the gym at my work offers a class almost every day. On Wednesdays they offer Power Yoga! Not only am I getting stronger I'm also getting an hour's worth of  "reflective" time. Win!

I hate lunges (they are the devil) but if I want superfly legs, I gotta do them. While I'm doing the hated lunges, I figure I might as well work out the rest of my body with weights or machines.  Hate working out with weights or think you are going to get bulky from them?  Well, ladies, I've got news for you. Weights are awesome! Cardio can help you lose weight but weights will tone your muscle and make you look HAWT. Win-win!

Finally, there are days when I can't run outside and just can't handle an extended amount of time on the treadmill. On those days, I hit the elliptical and crank up the "random" program. It works my heart and my legs and booty get a great workout. And everytime I'm doing a run and am able to power up a hill with no problems,  I know it's because I spent the time challenging myself at the gym on the elliptical. Or with those stinking lunges. Win-win-WIN!

If you love running, congrats! Keep it up. I'll see you out there 2-3 times a week. But, if you want to get a little more from your workouts, have fun doing it and get toned, remember to criss CROSS it up!  The Mac Daddy and Daddy Mac would completely approve.

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