Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Get back on the horse!

It's inevitable. I set some totally awesome goals for my health: never eat sugar again, ban carbs from my cabinets, run every single day for the rest of my life, adopt a raw food diet, and so on. Then, my company has an amazing party where they serve 12 different appetizers, 8 desserts and 4 themed cocktails and I find myself chowing down on all of it! It happens to all of us, right? What? Your company doesn't have super parties like thati in the middle of the day? Hmm, well, you know that I mean. We all fall off the "health horse" at one time or another. Whether it's a quick happy hour with friends where you skip a workout and down one too many beers or a stressful week that ends with a big bowl of brownie mix, we all have set backs on the road to health and fitness. When that happens, I have two choices. I can fill the tub up with brownie mix, speed dial Pizza Hut and let my running shoes rot. Or, I can remind myself that as much fun as being slothful is, I feel a lot better when I eat a bit healthier and do something physical. In other words, I get back up on that dang horse.

So tonight at Target, instead of buying junk, I bought some easy, healthy foods like frozen edamame, spicy black bean burgers, containers of grapefruit, and Amy's vegetarian burritos. They're not the best choices, since it's all pretty heavily processed, but it's a step in the right direction. Now to get back onto the road in those running shoes that have been sitting in my closet!

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