Sunday, January 8, 2012


"Can I still be foodie (or in my case, just REALLY like to eat everything) and lose weight?" I think I've struggled with this thought my whole life. Like a lot of people I know, I really like to eat, so it bears repeating. I like to eat. This, again, is where the running or exercise in general comes in.

I feel like over the past year or so I've taught myself moderation in many areas of life. But, I also learned that moderation is not deprivation. I can still eat pretty much what I want and continue being or getting more healthy. It goes without saying that I: #1 Still pig out (without guilt) every so often and I #2 Can no longer pig out that way all day every day because it makes me feel like barf physically and mentally.

Running makes me feel good - well, mostly after the running part is over, of course. I never really feel good during the run. My legs feel heavy, my mind is scattered and weak, and mostly my heart feels like it might jump right out of my chest and land on the pavement in front of me. It's quite a wretched feeling actually, but I keep going because I know most of this stems from my mind that tells me to quit about a mile into a run. But I'm learning that my body is much more capable than my thoughts allow it to be so I keep going - at least long enough to prove my own self wrong.

When I'm done, and I'm sure I've run further and longer than I wanted to when I started, I tell myself, "I told you so." and vow to be harder on myself the next time I run so I can have that internal dialogue again. This morning the dialogue was fierce, but more so with my stomach and the biscuit, gravy, eggs, bacon, and 2 cups of coffee that were sloshing around while I pounded the pavement. Lesson: Do NOT eat said biscuit, gravy, eggs, bacon, and 2 cups of coffee for breakfast before 1/2 marathon. Goal: Find suitable breakfast for running 13.1 miles. Anywho, next time I tell myself, I'll digest longer. But nevertheless, I got off my duff and ran (2.5ish miles) in the cold morning and now I feel good...after the run!

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