Sunday, January 29, 2012

It was a run in the park...

Central Park, that is. Well, I have officially run in 2 different states so far this year. One is obviously Missouri and the other, well New York baby! I made the trek to NYC last week to visit my brother, sister-in-law, and my new (uber-cute) nephew Thomas. It was a very relaxing trip to say the least. I caught up on much needed sleep and got much needed cuddle time with a cute baby.

It seems that every trip I have ever taken to NYC in the past has been filled with sight seeing, food-filled adventures, and lots of other typical things that New Yorkers can do every day that us rural Missourians find exciting and out of the ordinary. This trip was different in many ways. I mean, obviously, the entire point of my trip was to spend as much QT as I could with the fam and get to know Thomas.

Now, don't get me wrong, we still managed to fit in some dining out and I also Stumbled Inn to the biggest stuffed burger I have ever eaten (and I ate it all!) as well as filling myself with Yellow-fin tuna tacos with hearts of palm and the most delicious margarita that I've ever come across. That margarita has set in motion another goal for 2012...and that is to be able to re-create the wonderfulness that was the Watermelon & Basil margarita. That's a whole different adventure and I've already enlisted the help of my sister-in-law Priscilla who agrees with me that we should try to create as many delicious margarita recipes as we know, for the good of man kind. So, while the rest of you are out doing this and that this summer, know that Cil and I will be sacrificing ourselves to create, taste, re-create, taste again, repeat, repeat, repeat, etc. so that we may pass along these concoctions.

Okay, back to NYC. The other completely new adventure on this trip, and probably most obvious from the title of the post, is that my brother and I actually took a jog on Friday afternoon (before the taco/margarita adventure) in Central Park. It was a bit chilly and the walk to the park was cold and windy but we made it there and off we took. I would like to give a shout out to my brother at this point who not only ran at my pace, but took the time to point out the different sights that we ran by as I was too out of breath to respond very much. My brother is much more of an athlete than me and in fact, is going to run a 1/2 marathon in April AND the NYC marathon in November. The marathon is a first for him so that's very exciting as well!

Anyway, we made two 1.7 mile laps around the park - not all of the park, because that's much longer and this was a pretty easy trek. But it was great - LOTS of runners all around, bikers everywhere, and some other interesting hobbies that required people to be on skates and holding sticks. I'm still pondering those athletes....or whatever they were. It was a great feeling to get in a run and do something good for myself while on vacation. And it was fun...yes, running was fun. I said was a nice way to spend time with my brother and see some sights.

All in all a great trip and a run in another state. And, I hope to run in at least one more state this summer while on vacation because at that point I will be in the thick of my 1/2 training schedule and I will have to. So a beach run to look forward to in the Summer of 2012 too!

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