Tuesday, January 10, 2012

This is My Jam - The Constellations

Today’s run was brought to you by the band The Constellations. Usually I try to have a good mix playing when I exercise and I thought I’d set mine up to play this evening as I started my run. It was 20 minutes into the run until I realized I’d been listening to The Constellations’ album “Southern Gothic” the whole time! (Not completely my fault…I was focused on running the 3 miles without stopping!) When I finally caught onto what was happening on my phone, I realized that “Southern Gothic” is not only a great album, it’s full of great songs to run to!  So, if you haven’t heard The Constellations yet, Spotify them now!  What’s that? You don’t Spotify?  You are missing out! I just built an all-new running playlist without having to spend a fortune. On Spotify? Find me and let’s share our playlists!

I'm curious - do people like running while listening to music or not? I usually do when I'm training or running for fun (haha, just kidding, I never run for fun!) but I don't have to have it during a race. I wonder if the 1/2 will even let us use iPods. Hmmm, that will be good info to have before the big day.

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